FIFABRASIL Team, proudly presents FIFABRASIL TOTAL 2011 patch
(Please, read carefully all this post to avoid installing wrong and get all information about what happens to your FIFA 11 game, after install this patch).
This patch was initially conceived as a personal MOD for FIFA 11, updating Brazil 1st division and addding Brazilian 2nd division B, Carioca and Capixaba Championship.
Anyway, during it´s development, new features were added and the patch become greater and greater.
Now, after a priceless work from our patchmaker AMISTOCLES, althrough longer nights editing database to fully updated brazilian teams and added patches genlty authorized by other great patchmakers around the world (see credits) we get a brand new very complete brazilian patch.
Leagues edited/added on the patch:
Argentina Primera División e Primera B Nacional (40 teams);
Bolívia: LFPB Fundadores + 4 temas from LFPB Nacional, including Wilstermann (16 teams);
Brasil: Series A, B, C, D (20 teams each), E (10 teams), Liga FERJ (10 teams) e Liga FES (10 teams). Total: 110 teams;
Chile: Primera División (18 teams);
Colômbia: Liga Postobón (18 teams);
Equador: Copa Credife (12 teams);
Paraguai: División Nacional (12 teams);
Peru: Torneo Descentralizado Copa Movistar (16 teams);
Uruguai: División Nacional Primera A (16 teams);
Venezuela: Copa Movilnet (18 teams);
Japão: J League One (18 teams);
Tournaments on manager mode:
All leagues listed above;
Brazilian Cup (64 teams from all brazilian series, including regionals);
Nissan Sudamericana Cup: structure near to real;
Santander Libertadores: structure near to real;
Recopa Sudamericana;
J League Yamazaki Nabisco;
Suruga Cup: final between Nissan Sudamericana winner and Copa Yamazaki Nabisco winner;
AFC Cup;
FIFA Club world Cup;
Carioca Championship, 21 teams from Rio de Janeiro;
Paulista Championship, 16 teams from São Paulo;
Capixaba Championship, 12 teams from Espirito Santo;
Mineiro Championship, 6 teams from Minas Gerais;
Nordeste Cup, 20 teams from Northeast Region;
Norte Cup, 12 team from North Region;
Centro-Oeste Cup, 8 teams from Center-west Region;
Sul Cup, 15 teams South Region.
Licensed Tournaments:
All leagues listed above;
Brazilian Cup (64 teams from four major brazilian leagues);
América Cup, two groups of 6 on 1st round;
World Cup, 32 random national teams;
Libertadores da América added in a save game;
FIFA BRASIL TOTAL Cup 2011, eight groups of 8 teams on 1st round. Two classified teams from each group goes on to knock-outs until the finals;
Brands of brazilian newspapers;
Real Sponsors;
Make a backup copy from your data folder (probably on C: Program Files\EA Sports\FIFA 11\Game), and keep on a safe place.
Data folder will be completely changed with patch FBT 2011.
Your backup copy could save your game if any trouble appear.
use file: PATCH FIFABRASIL TOTAL V1.1 (you will find it inside download FBRSL.rar)
New Features on Fixed Patch:
- Fixed roster bug from Guarani de Campinas;
- Two more teams added to Brazilian regional division: Cruzeiro PoA (Cruzeirinho de Porto Alegre) e Confiança de Sergipe. 100% updated.
- MENUS in Brazilian portuguese (translated and adapted by Rorscharch).
- Novos graphics added. Several Rosters updated with new transfers.
- New Brazilian Regional Logo by MoaAlves.
Run file exe “FIFABRASIL TOTAL 2011″.
ATTENTION! If your FIFA 11 was installed on other path, choose the correct folder before go on with installation.
Finished installation, use FIFAMANIA REGENERATOR 1.6 to rebuild data. If you don’t have it you can download it here:
use the second update (you will find it inside download FBRSL.rar)
and repeat the process above (install and regenerate)
Start the game normally and choose english language (menus will be in portuguese anyway).
Remember: all your progress was lost. Save games, played tournaments, ingame edition, all this will overwrite.
Troubleshooting: open folder FIFA 11 on documents folder, delete all files except “buttonDataSetup” and “fifasetup”.
BE A PRO Modeeasons works ok, but could have strange behaviour with some created teams and players. Works ok with original teams and most of all created teams.
Problem noticed was: when starting a match game keeps loading and doesn’t move on. We´re working on a fix to this bug.
OBS.: Libertadores Cup and América Cup as listed above was builded on separated savegame. (you will find it inside download FBRSL.rar)
To use this licensed tournaments do the following:
copy files over folder FIFA 11 on Documents folder.
After, ingame select “Torneio” and then select “Carregar Torneio” para find these tournaments.
Edgard Amistocles: Database from all brazilian temans and db editing with other patches;
Mário Rorschach: Kits e Logos from lots of brazilian teams;
Moaalves: Kits e Logos;
MatheusGuedes: Kits e Logos;
RafaelBG85: Kits e Logos;
Emiliano Gastón Videla: Diretor e Editor Geral
Nazareno Oviedo: Revisão geral e edições gráficas
Fernando Curto, Matías D’Amario e Mario Manus: Participação na edição da Base de Dados
Agustín Zozula: Bandeiras
Alejandro Tórres: Vayas Publicitarias.
Base de Dados: Regularcat, Danilo Pinheiro, Jschuck, Malchyb
Uniformes: R.Boni, Regularcat, Danilo Pinheiro, Shahab Shaterian
Logos: R.Boni, Regularcat, Danilo Pinheiro
Troféu: Regularcat
Bola: Darxxx
Cortesy: Darkvajo and CEP team.
Deiver Saavedra Cotrina: Criador do projeto; banco de Datos, jogadores, times, ligas torneios. Edição gráfica de Kits, Minikits,todos os logos, marcadores, adboards etc.
Manuel Hernando Salamanca: – Bola Golty Tuchín
Yohiner Dario Forero: – Bandeiras dos times
Carlos Álvarez (CALVAREZ): – kits de goleiros.
P.S.: All patchmakers above was contacted and asked for authorization.
If someone was missed, firstly, forgive us. Please contact us so we can post correct credits.

FIFABRASIL Team, proudly presents FIFABRASIL TOTAL 2011 patch
(Please, read carefully all this post to avoid installing wrong and get all information about what happens to your FIFA 11 game, after install this patch).
This patch was initially conceived as a personal MOD for FIFA 11, updating Brazil 1st division and addding Brazilian 2nd division B, Carioca and Capixaba Championship.
Anyway, during it´s development, new features were added and the patch become greater and greater.
Now, after a priceless work from our patchmaker AMISTOCLES, althrough longer nights editing database to fully updated brazilian teams and added patches genlty authorized by other great patchmakers around the world (see credits) we get a brand new very complete brazilian patch.
Leagues edited/added on the patch:
Argentina Primera División e Primera B Nacional (40 teams);
Bolívia: LFPB Fundadores + 4 temas from LFPB Nacional, including Wilstermann (16 teams);
Brasil: Series A, B, C, D (20 teams each), E (10 teams), Liga FERJ (10 teams) e Liga FES (10 teams). Total: 110 teams;
Chile: Primera División (18 teams);
Colômbia: Liga Postobón (18 teams);
Equador: Copa Credife (12 teams);
Paraguai: División Nacional (12 teams);
Peru: Torneo Descentralizado Copa Movistar (16 teams);
Uruguai: División Nacional Primera A (16 teams);
Venezuela: Copa Movilnet (18 teams);
Japão: J League One (18 teams);
Tournaments on manager mode:
All leagues listed above;
Brazilian Cup (64 teams from all brazilian series, including regionals);
Nissan Sudamericana Cup: structure near to real;
Santander Libertadores: structure near to real;
Recopa Sudamericana;
J League Yamazaki Nabisco;
Suruga Cup: final between Nissan Sudamericana winner and Copa Yamazaki Nabisco winner;
AFC Cup;
FIFA Club world Cup;
Carioca Championship, 21 teams from Rio de Janeiro;
Paulista Championship, 16 teams from São Paulo;
Capixaba Championship, 12 teams from Espirito Santo;
Mineiro Championship, 6 teams from Minas Gerais;
Nordeste Cup, 20 teams from Northeast Region;
Norte Cup, 12 team from North Region;
Centro-Oeste Cup, 8 teams from Center-west Region;
Sul Cup, 15 teams South Region.
Licensed Tournaments:
All leagues listed above;
Brazilian Cup (64 teams from four major brazilian leagues);
América Cup, two groups of 6 on 1st round;
World Cup, 32 random national teams;
Libertadores da América added in a save game;
FIFA BRASIL TOTAL Cup 2011, eight groups of 8 teams on 1st round. Two classified teams from each group goes on to knock-outs until the finals;
Brands of brazilian newspapers;
Real Sponsors;
Make a backup copy from your data folder (probably on C: Program Files\EA Sports\FIFA 11\Game), and keep on a safe place.
Data folder will be completely changed with patch FBT 2011.
Your backup copy could save your game if any trouble appear.
use file: PATCH FIFABRASIL TOTAL V1.1 (you will find it inside download FBRSL.rar)
New Features on Fixed Patch:
- Fixed roster bug from Guarani de Campinas;
- Two more teams added to Brazilian regional division: Cruzeiro PoA (Cruzeirinho de Porto Alegre) e Confiança de Sergipe. 100% updated.
- MENUS in Brazilian portuguese (translated and adapted by Rorscharch).
- Novos graphics added. Several Rosters updated with new transfers.
- New Brazilian Regional Logo by MoaAlves.
Run file exe “FIFABRASIL TOTAL 2011″.
ATTENTION! If your FIFA 11 was installed on other path, choose the correct folder before go on with installation.
Finished installation, use FIFAMANIA REGENERATOR 1.6 to rebuild data. If you don’t have it you can download it here:
use the second update (you will find it inside download FBRSL.rar)
and repeat the process above (install and regenerate)
Start the game normally and choose english language (menus will be in portuguese anyway).
Remember: all your progress was lost. Save games, played tournaments, ingame edition, all this will overwrite.
Troubleshooting: open folder FIFA 11 on documents folder, delete all files except “buttonDataSetup” and “fifasetup”.
BE A PRO Modeeasons works ok, but could have strange behaviour with some created teams and players. Works ok with original teams and most of all created teams.
Problem noticed was: when starting a match game keeps loading and doesn’t move on. We´re working on a fix to this bug.
OBS.: Libertadores Cup and América Cup as listed above was builded on separated savegame. (you will find it inside download FBRSL.rar)
To use this licensed tournaments do the following:
copy files over folder FIFA 11 on Documents folder.
After, ingame select “Torneio” and then select “Carregar Torneio” para find these tournaments.
Edgard Amistocles: Database from all brazilian temans and db editing with other patches;
Mário Rorschach: Kits e Logos from lots of brazilian teams;
Moaalves: Kits e Logos;
MatheusGuedes: Kits e Logos;
RafaelBG85: Kits e Logos;
Emiliano Gastón Videla: Diretor e Editor Geral
Nazareno Oviedo: Revisão geral e edições gráficas
Fernando Curto, Matías D’Amario e Mario Manus: Participação na edição da Base de Dados
Agustín Zozula: Bandeiras
Alejandro Tórres: Vayas Publicitarias.
Base de Dados: Regularcat, Danilo Pinheiro, Jschuck, Malchyb
Uniformes: R.Boni, Regularcat, Danilo Pinheiro, Shahab Shaterian
Logos: R.Boni, Regularcat, Danilo Pinheiro
Troféu: Regularcat
Bola: Darxxx
Cortesy: Darkvajo and CEP team.
Deiver Saavedra Cotrina: Criador do projeto; banco de Datos, jogadores, times, ligas torneios. Edição gráfica de Kits, Minikits,todos os logos, marcadores, adboards etc.
Manuel Hernando Salamanca: – Bola Golty Tuchín
Yohiner Dario Forero: – Bandeiras dos times
Carlos Álvarez (CALVAREZ): – kits de goleiros.
P.S.: All patchmakers above was contacted and asked for authorization.
If someone was missed, firstly, forgive us. Please contact us so we can post correct credits.
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